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Just about three quarters of Gen Z and Millennials say they usually shop at mass merchant retailers, coming in first above online, specialty, and discount retailers, as well as department stores and sporting goods.

Just about three quarters of Gen Z and Millennials say they usually shop at mass merchant retailers, coming in first above online, specialty, and discount retailers, as well as department stores and sporting goods.

Just about three quarters of Gen Z and Millennials say they usually shop at mass merchant retailers, coming in first above online, specialty, and discount retailers, as well as department stores and sporting goods.

Just about three quarters of Gen Z and Millennials say they usually shop at mass merchant retailers, coming in first above online, specialty, and discount retailers, as well as department stores and sporting goods.

Just about three quarters of Gen Z and Millennials say they usually shop at mass merchant retailers, coming in first above online, specialty, and discount retailers, as well as department stores and sporting goods.

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